Sorry for the delay on this one! With this, chapter 9 comes to an end. Kaz had some heavy feelings in this chapter, and we find out a little more about inner thoughts he hadn’t yet shared with Alex.

I don’t have a start date set for chapter 10 yet. To complicate matters somewhat, my boyfriend and I are planning to move to Chicago when our lease is up at the end of August. I’ve been in Atlanta for a long time, and while it’s not a bad city, I want to see other places, and I want to live in a state that can give both of us more legal protection.

Chapter 10 will be a beast of a chapter (planning on 50+ pages), so my plan is to complete 20 pages of it, start those running, and get the next 20 done. There may be some delays with updates for this one because of that. In ch. 10, Kaz goes home to Ohio for Christmas and faces his family. There will be ups and downs. Strap in for some more drama.

Tentatively, I would like to start chapter 10 in motion at the beginning of September. I don’t want to wait that long, but we’ll see how much progress I make on storyboards and inks/colors. So far, only the script is written for this chapter. I’ll post updates here on how progress is going.

I’m going to take a little time off and focus on a mini comic about Kaz when he first moved to Starlight City. It’ll show how he met Rahul and Jordan, and include a sexy hookup he has with another guy at one of Exit 104 (Rahul’s band)’s shows. For now, it’ll be only on Patreon, but it will run on here eventually as filler.

Next post: Early September-ish.

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