Hey friends! This is the first post of my comic, Arcade Alex, a story of two guys, one cis and one trans, who fall in love at an arcade. This is an erotic comic and does feature nudity and sexual situations. It’s a mostly light-hearted story, but there is some queer angst that the characters go through as they struggle with acceptance from family and navigating their lives.

As a trans guy myself, I’ve always wanted to read more stories about guys like me, but there aren’t too many out there. Some of the experiences, especially of dysphoria and anxiety, are drawn from my own life. In some ways, I made this story to show what to expect when dating a trans guy, and the unique challenges that we face. Of course, Alex does not speak for every trans man – we’re all individuals, with different likes and dislikes. Nevertheless, I hope that it appeals to others in the LGBTQ+ community as well!

At present, the story will run for several chapters, so stay tuned if you enjoy it!



Copyright 2020 Risiko.