Oh, what could happen in Kaz’s favorite scene?

Next post: I dunno about you guys, but that camera from the 1920s sounds pretty cool. Oh, wait, you’re here for the sex? Well, I guess we’ll see that instead.

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Page transcript:
Alex: Blah, blah, blah, back to class… When does the good stuff happen?
Kaz: Don’t worry, my favorite scene is next.
Naoki: Are you free today? You should come to my place! I have a ton of cool gear.
Kaz: Say you want to go to his place!!
Alex: Oh, I dunno, I was gonna say no…
Kaz: Alex!!
Alex: Oh my god, Kaz, of course I’m going to his house. You think I’ve never played a dating sim before??
Naoki: So this is my room. Want to see my collection of cameras? I have one from the 1920s!