Always important to have a partner you can be honest with!
Next post: (Jun 4) The back cover.
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Page transcript:
Kaz: I promise, I’m happy the way I am. But I’m also happy I don’t have to hide my femininity from you… Thanks for letting me be who I am.
Alex: Of course, beautiful. You accept me as I am too. I love you for you.
Kaz: I love you too, too.
What’ll happen next? I guess I’ll have to wait for Chapter 8.
And this officially stop being a gay couple. I think its time to say goodbye to this story before it further goes through ways Im not confortable reading about. It was nice… til now.
They’re still a gay couple. Kaz is happy being a guy and will stay a guy. Guys who enjoy drag are still men.
You hate it because Kaz likes to be femme?? I love being in a dress for my boyfriend. Love the story..
Why do you even think that just not liking a thing means hate it? I don’t hate this story (or anything) there are just things we like to read and things we don’t. It’s that simple. Risiko is still a great artist and storyteller, Im just like reaaaaly picky with my reads. Not bad feelings bros 🙂
I understand what you are saying..I can’t wait until October 1 to see Chapter 8..
Love the honest emotions!
Thank you!