Hey friends, thanks for being patient with me during my break from the comic. Updates will be slow for a bit as I rebuild my backlog of pages. I’m aiming for one a week, and hopefully next month I can get back to the twice weekly updates. I’m getting a tonsillectomy on the 25th and may skip a week or two during that time so I can focus on recovery. But don’t worry, I’m still committed to telling Alex and Kaz’s story and I’m looking forward to getting back into my pages.

If you don’t want to wait, I have pages 147 and 148 up on my Patreon now at the $1 tier, and some previews of pages 152 and 153 that everyone can see for free. Not to spoil them, but they’re all sexy pages 😉 Check them out here!

Update: Apparently I am unable to share NSFW content publicly on Patreon, so the previews from pages 152-153 can be seen here, here (NSFW) and here!

Next post: (On Jan. 23rd) Alex helps Kaz put on sunscreen. Everywhere.

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Subscribers on my Patreon can see extra smut and behind the scenes content for $5 a month, and the next page early for $8 a month!

Page transcript:
Kaz: It’s wonderful out here…
Alex: What a perfect day for the beach, right?